It Takes Guts 2 B Smart
Our students test on average 78% better then nationwide averages on SAT I & II, AP, GED & LSAT
Schedule a Tutoring Session today!
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Test Prep
Your Custom-Made ACT & SAT Test
Preparation Program
Fast, friendly, and fully functional, our professional Tutoring Service is well renowned throughout the Sacramento Area. Our team is up for every job, managing projects with the skill and experience our clients have come to expect. We always stand behind our work, with customer satisfaction being our #1 priority. Contact us to learn more about our incredible staff and how they can help you!
Test Prep Class- 2 hours
Students in the same class succeed more by working and learning together. They share their knowledge with each other, as only people of the same age and experience can. The tutor leads the group to explore and learn together, encouraging support among the students. It is often a more rewarding and fun experience. Parents save money and have the satisfaction of watching their student make friends while they learn. -Host parent receives additional discount keeping it affordable compared to other tutoring services.
Test Prep Course- 15 hours
Classes are five weeks in length, with two - 1 1/2 hr sessions per week, a total of 3 graded exams, and 3 individual tutoring sessions.
Host parent receives additional discount keeping it affordable compared to other tutoring services.
$950/child, with a discount for multi-student enrollment. -Free evaluation for students who enrolled (strengths, weaknesses).
Upcoming Events...
Test Prep Classes & Programs
Sept 30th 2018
Free 2 hr Test Prep Class for SAT/ACT (Juniors & Seniors)
Location: TBD
Sept 14th 2018
5 Week SAT/ACT Test Prep Course is starting. Sign up today!
SAT Test Dates
Oct. 6th, 2018
Nov. 3rd, 2018
Dec 1st, 2018
March 9th, 2019
May 4th, 2019
Oct. 27th, 2018
Dec 8th, 2018
Feb. 9th, 2019
April 13th, 2019
June 8th, 2019
ACT Test Dates